How to Support Craig Newmark’s New Campaign to Stop Cyberattacks

PauseTake9 (1)
September 20, 2024

Philanthropist Craig Newmark, who has supported the NYU Stern Center for years, has launched a new PSA campaign against cyberattacks. It deserves attention, participation, and amplification.

The campaign is called PauseTake9, as in pause for nine seconds before you click, share, or engage to make sure that you’re not infecting your hard drive, your cloud account, or the local power grid with some kind of malware. Why nine seconds, as opposed to eight or 10? I honestly don’t know. But I’m sure Craig, a very smart guy who founded Craigslist, has his reasons.

In any event, you can check out the campaign here.

Here’s a tweet (X post) you can retweet.

And here’s an amusing message from Craig himself about what this is all about. I encourage all friends of the NYU Stern Center to get involved:

Folks, Ive been working to bring a public service campaign about the importance of cybersecurity to regular people. It’s related to the new $100M commitment I announced yesterday.

I got help from people who are a lot better at this than me. (It requires serious social media skills, and, well, have you met me?)

The deal is that everyone needs to be able to protect themselves, their families, and our country.

Our personal security and national security are connected. Everyone has a role to play in protecting things like our water supply and electrical grid. It’s like in WW2, everyone was expected to help out.

Our campaign message is simple: Pause. Take 9 seconds.

Everyone should take 9 seconds to stop and think before clicking, opening, reacting, or providing information. 

Well be spreading this message online and taking it to the streets, literally, in things like billboards and old-fashioned ads youll hopefully see.

We created a video to introduce the idea and hopefully encourage people to learn more. Im asking that you all share it with your networks. And if youve got ideas for where else we should share it or if youd like to partner on this effort, say so here.



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