Teaching Resources

The Case for Human Rights in Business Education–A Tool Kit
Representatives from various business schools have crafted a concise toolkit, providing insights and resources for integrating human rights into business school education.

RFK Compass, June 2023: Applying ESG in the Meat Processing Industry
This exercise focuses on Packers Sanitation Services and Blackstone Core Equity Partners, exploring what accountability measures should be in place to address the exploitation of child labor.

Teaching case: Digging into the ethics of cobalt mining
As demand grows for the material used in batteries, this MBA-style case study explores ethical dilemmas over unregulated mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

GBSN for BHR Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If you are interested in joining the GBSN Human Rights Impact community, please review the FAQ document here or below.

Silverlake in China: Investor Responsibility for State Surveillance in Xinjiang
This exercise focuses on Packers Sanitation Services and Blackstone Core Equity Partners, exploring what accountability measures should be in place to address the exploitation of child labor.

How New Business Models Can Address Human Rights Risks in the Cobalt Supply Chain
This paper maps existing efforts to establish responsible sourcing strategies for cobalt from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It highlights the need to address the systemic human rights risks of artisanal mining practices that are a business reality in the DRC. It assesses the prospects of formalizing artisanal mining practices

Gulf Construction Tracker: 2017 Trends in Contract Awards
Our newly launched Gulf Construction Tracker provides the first public online database of new construction projects likely to employ low-wage migrant workers in the Gulf region.

No Rights Without Remedies — An Assessment Of Corporate Remedy Channels
The Center finds that a quarter of the 369 companies we analyzed publicly committed to respecting human rights without implementing any means to pursue remedies or address violations.

Estimating The True Cost Of Remediating The Ready Made Garment Industry In Bangladesh
Four years after Rana Plaza, the majority of factories still have major electrical, structural, and fire safety deficiencies, and the sector lacks adequate funding to resolve them. The Center suggests a starting point for addressing these serious problems.

Bangladesh Factory Safety – Four Years After Rana Plaza
The Accord and Alliance programs have one year left in their collective efforts to make the Bangladeshi garment industry safe and sustainable. What have they have achieved to date and what remains to be done?

Foreign Funding Commitments For Bangladesh’s Garment Sector
In Bangladesh, over 5 million people work in the ready-made garment (RMG) industry. Despite the quarter of a billion dollars in funding after the Rana Plaza collapse committed to improve the industry, progress on fixing factories is slow.

Comparing Resources Of Human Rights Multi-stakeholder Initiatives
Multi-stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs) have become the default response to governance gaps in different industry settings, ranging from private security providers to apparel to information and communication technology. To effectively close these gaps, MSIs require resources and capacity to implement the agreements and procedures that their members negotiate.