Conscience Incorporated

cover of Michael Posner's book, Conscience Incorporated on top of a blue background
December 2024
How can businesses achieve healthy profits while championing human rights and societal well-being? Conscience Incorporated challenges the status quo, arguing that companies must embrace a pro-business, high-standards model that prioritizes human rights as a core component of corporate strategy.

Michael Posner, the founder and current chair of the Fair Labor Association and former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor from 2009-2013, draws on over a decade of experience to outline urgent challenges facing businesses today and offers practical, results-driven guidance for embedding human rights principles into corporate decision-making and operations. Through compelling case studies and bold reform proposals, the book provides actionable strategies for business leaders, policymakers, educators, and individuals committed to making human rights a shared societal priority.

This essential guide explores global labor practices, corporate governance, the intersection of technology and human rights, and the critical role of government regulation. It delivers a comprehensive roadmap for corporate leaders to align profitability with ethical responsibility.

Stay informed, inspired, and ready to take on these urgent challenges – read Conscience Incorporated now.

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