Building a Global Network of Business Schools

We are taking the lead in forming an international network of business schools that include human rights in their curricula.

In 2020, we partnered with the Geneva School of Economics and Management and the Global Business School Network to create the Global Business School Network for Business and Human Rights Impact Community (GBSN for BHR). This network is comprised over 120 business schools from around the world.

In collaboration with the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights and the Global Business School Network, we published The Case for Human Rights in Business Education – A Tool Kit (PDF), a foundational white paper that describes integration strategies for human rights teaching and research at business schools. It also includes testimonies of other business schools and lists relevant BHR teaching resources, research outlets, and key network contacts.

If you are interested in joining this community, please review the FAQ document here or below.

Teaching Resources

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Past Events

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Convening Scholars
Academic conferences create opportunities to encourage and shape new research on business and human rights (BHR). We co-organize two annual BHR conferences and participate in many more.
Resources for Teaching Business & Human Rights
Through academic articles, books, teaching cases, and research briefs, we are deepening the information available about the most pressing human rights issues facing business.