Convening Scholars

Academic conferences create opportunities to encourage and shape new research on business and human rights (BHR). We co-organize two annual BHR conferences and participate in many more.

We currently co-organize two dedicated business and human rights (BHR) conferences:

The BHR Young Researchers Summit for emerging scholars is co-organized with the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights at the Geneva School of Economics & Management and the University of St Gallen (Switzerland).

The BHR Scholars Conference advances interdisciplinary academic research on business and human rights and is linked with the Global Business and Human Rights Scholars Association.


Quick Takes

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Past Events

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Building a Global Network of Business Schools
We are taking the lead in forming an international network of business schools that include human rights in their curricula.
Resources for Teaching Business & Human Rights
Through academic articles, books, teaching cases, and research briefs, we are deepening the information available about the most pressing human rights issues facing business.