
July 10, 2018
Center commentary
Companies face growing pressure to demonstrate that globalization delivers not only profits but social value.
Economic power has shifted from states to the private sector. Today, half of the largest economies in the world are private companies, not states. Increasingly complex global operations require new skills of today’s leaders. Each industry faces a unique set of challenges. We conduct sector-specific research to identify root causes of persistent human rights issues and propose standards for strong performance. We believe companies that proactively confront these problems will be more sustainable and profitable over the long-term.
In 2011, the United Nations endorsed a set of Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights that set a broad foundation for these issues.
The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Governments should protect their citizens from human rights abuses, including by business
Companies have a responsibility to respect human rights
Victims of human rights abuse should have access to judicial and non-judicial remedies