Gonzalez v. Google Amicus Brief
January 2023
The Center argued in an amicus brief in this case that the Supreme Court should not limit the scope of the social media industry’s civil liability protection to allow lawsuits against platforms based on their recommendation systems. Creating an exception for suits concerning recommendations effectively would undermine the entirety of the 1996 shield law known as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
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Our report, released three months after the landmark CSDDD entered into force, provides a roadmap for regulators and companies navigating a new era of corporate human rights responsibility.
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Our new report on encrypted messaging platforms reveals how political propagandists are exploiting these tools to manipulate voters globally, while offering recommendations for platforms, policymakers, and researchers to mitigate these threats without undermining end-to-end encryption.
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As a volatile election nears, our report reveals that social media is consistently exploited to facilitate political intimidation and violence, and recommends crucial changes that social media companies and governments can implement to reduce these harms.