How New Business Models Can Address Human Rights Risks in the Cobalt Supply Chain

September 8, 2020
This paper maps existing efforts to establish responsible sourcing strategies for cobalt from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It highlights the need to address the systemic human rights risks of artisanal mining practices that are a business reality in the DRC. It assesses the prospects of formalizing artisanal mining practices.

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The Case for Human Rights in Business Education–A Tool Kit
Representatives from various business schools have crafted a concise toolkit, providing insights and resources for integrating human rights into business school education.

RFK Compass, June 2023: Applying ESG in the Meat Processing Industry
This exercise focuses on Packers Sanitation Services and Blackstone Core Equity Partners, exploring what accountability measures should be in place to address the exploitation of child labor.

Teaching case: Digging into the ethics of cobalt mining
As demand grows for the material used in batteries, this MBA-style case study explores ethical dilemmas over unregulated mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo.