Dorothée Baumann-Pauly

Dorothée Baumann-Pauly

Dorothée Baumann-Pauly is the Center’s research director. She oversees the Center's research activities, including development of academic publications, case studies, the Center’s forthcoming textbook, and other teaching resources. She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and MA degrees in management and political science from the University of Constance (Germany) and Rutgers University of New Jersey. She joined NYU Stern in June 2013. Dorothée has split her career between academia and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice. As a project officer and consultant for the Fair Labor Association, she helped revise the organization’s core program by developing assessment and impact measurement methodologies. She also oversaw supply chain auditing activities and supported workers’ representation projects in China. Dorothée worked as MFA-Forum country program manager at the London-based thinktank AccountAbility, managing multi-stakeholder dialogues in Bangladesh, Morocco, and Lesotho. Dorothée teaches CSR, Business and Human Rights and Business Ethics at HEC Lausanne (Switzerland) and NYU Stern. In 2013, she published a book entitled Managing Corporate Legitimacy – A Toolbox (Greenleaf Publishing). You can contact Dorthée by email at


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Making Mining Safe and Fair: Artisanal Cobalt Extraction in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

We published a white paper in collaboration with the World Economic Forum which assesses recent approaches to formalizing artisanal and small-scale mining of cobalt. The learnings from the cobalt context in the DRC can help guide companies on how to address human rights issues in their global mineral supply chains and improve working conditions of more than 40 million people in artisanal mining worldwide.

Made In Ethiopia: Challenges In The Garment Industry’S New Frontier

We published a report examining how the global apparel industry operates in Ethiopia. The report features a set of nine recommendations for how the industry and the Ethiopian government, foreign manufacturers, and Western brands can address the human rights challenges created by the lowest wages in the entire global supply chain for clothing.

Five Years After Rana Plaza: The Way Forward

The Center’s report on factory safety in Bangladesh, finds that efforts by Western brands and retailers have resulted in safer factories but thousands of additional facilities still require remediation.

Business and Human Rights From Principles to Practice
First Textbook on Business and Human Rights Aims to Close the Educational Gap for Next Generation of Leaders

In a global economy, multinational companies often operate in jurisdictions where governments are either unable or unwilling to uphold even the basic human rights of their citizens. As part of its work to educate the world’s future business leaders, the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights today released the first comprehensive, interdisciplinary textbook on the human rights challenges facing businesses – and how to approach solutions.

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Beyond The Tip Of The Iceberg: Bangladesh’s Forgotten Apparel Workers

The Center published an interactive map showing Bangladesh's 7,000 garment factories. This number is almost double prior estimates, shining a light on the scale of sub-contracting in global fashion supply chains. The map and accompanying report, were the result of a year-long study in which the Center systematically examined official records and conducted a survey of almost 500 factories

Business As Usual Is Not An Option: Supply Chains And Sourcing After Rana Plaza

The collapse of Rana Plaza, which killed over 1,100 workers, revealed the safety risks and poor working conditions endemic in the Bangladeshi garment industry. On the basis of over 100 interviews and two convenings in New York and Dhaka, which brought buyers together with their local suppliers, we identified indirect sourcing as the problem most in need of greater attention.

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