Sarah Labowitz


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Beyond The Tip Of The Iceberg: Bangladesh’s Forgotten Apparel Workers

The Center published an interactive map showing Bangladesh's 7,000 garment factories. This number is almost double prior estimates, shining a light on the scale of sub-contracting in global fashion supply chains. The map and accompanying report, were the result of a year-long study in which the Center systematically examined official records and conducted a survey of almost 500 factories

Business As Usual Is Not An Option: Supply Chains And Sourcing After Rana Plaza

The collapse of Rana Plaza, which killed over 1,100 workers, revealed the safety risks and poor working conditions endemic in the Bangladeshi garment industry. On the basis of over 100 interviews and two convenings in New York and Dhaka, which brought buyers together with their local suppliers, we identified indirect sourcing as the problem most in need of greater attention.

Quick Takes

Teaching Resources

Cropped view of young business team discussing the plan together
Comparing Resources Of Human Rights Multi-stakeholder Initiatives

Multi-stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs) have become the default response to governance gaps in different industry settings, ranging from private security providers to apparel to information and communication technology. To effectively close these gaps, MSIs require resources and capacity to implement the agreements and procedures that their members negotiate.