9th Business and Human Rights Young Researchers Summit

The Business and Human Rights (BHR) Young Researchers Summit provides an international platform for young scholars in the field of BHR. It brings together 10-15 excellent Ph.D. students and early post-doc researchers (cut-off is one year after graduation) who engage in research in the business and human rights field. The objective is for participants to present their research project in an interdisciplinary, collaborative workshop setting. Scholars from all disciplines are invited to apply including ethics, law, business and global affairs. Submissions from non-law disciplines are particularly welcome.
The focus is on paper development. Therefore, papers should outline research-in-progress, be single-authored, and must not be under consideration for publication at the time of presentation. We encourage submissions from all parts of the world and we strive for gender balance in our selection.
Lodging and meals will be provided for the duration of the Summit. Some travel stipends will be offered for participants travelling from overseas and on an as needed basis.
The summit is hosted by the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights, the Institute for Business Ethics at the University of St.Gallen, the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, and the Business and Human Rights Journal (BHRJ).
This 9th edition of the YRS takes place from 29-30 August 2024 in Geneva.
• Agustín Giustiniani (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland)
The Rise of ESG Law: norms, processes and real-world outcomes in the Mining Industry at the Lithium Triangle
• Ayako Hatano (University of Oxford, UK)
Soft Law for the Intersection of Peace and Human Rights in Cyberspace: Addressing Online Hate Speech through the Principles on Business and Human Rights
• Azibasuam Lilian Afagha (University of Dundee, UK)
The International Climate Change Regime’s Capacity to Adjust to Shifting National Circumstances on Human Rights and Justice Issues in the Utilisation of Energy Sources
• Kirthana Singh Khurana (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Ethics in Action: Natural Law Perspectives on ESG Compliance
• Majda Lamkhioued (University of Montreal, Canada)
A socio-legal analysis of informal work and enforcement of labour standards in the fisheries sector in West Africa
• Milena Störmer (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Companies and organized crime in Mexico: promoting peace or stirring up fire?
• Rafael Miranda (University of São Pao, Brazil)
Crafting Global Governance: AI, Human Rights, and Transnational Business Dynamics
• Rosie Rowe (Curtin University, Australia)
Human rights due diligence as a tool for just energy transitions: Gaps between normative expectations and the current practices of wind and solar project developers in Western Australia
• Sabrina Rau (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Towards a cohesive remedy ecosystem for algorithmic human rights harm
• Sara Tödt (RMIT University, Australia)
At Opposite Ends of the Chain: How Fashion Brands and Garment Workers in Myanmar Navigate COVID-19 and the Military Coup
• Stephanie Regalia (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Effectiveness assessment in compliance regimes What can human rights due diligence laws learn from the field of corporate compliance?
• Stephanie Daher (Grenoble Ecole de Management, France)
Indigenous women and Human Rights: Articulating Multiple Struggles at the Marcha das Mulheres Indígenas
• Xu Kang (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Doing Business Responsibly in an Authoritarian State: CSR Interpretation, Communication, and Implementation in China
• Zena Al-Esia (University of Bath, UK)
Deliberation in Political CSR in Autocratic Contexts: A Vehicle for Supporting Human Rights & Democratization? The Case of Multinationals, INGOs and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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